Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Angry Bird Review .

Name of App being Reviewed:  Angry Birds Space HD : Pigs in Space

About the title:

  1. The name and the big letters really get  the attention of the reader. Well it centrally got my attention.
  2. " Birds in Space , leads to Angry Birds. "

About the introduction:
  1. The writer include two good paragraphs to start of the review.
  2. By reading the two paragraphs the audience can know the background and history of Angry Birds , because it talks about how the game got really famous and now they are taking things to the next level with this app.
About the Overview

  1. The writer include an overview of the app.
  2. The writer only did one paragraph of the overview.
About the headings:
  1. The colors and lighting of the game are really good , they make you feel like you're in the games with the birds and pigs.
  2. This app is very easy to manage , because all you do is is move your finger and aim to a pig.
  3. This app performs excellent it does not shut down unexpectedly, it has a lot of levels but its interesting its not difficult.  
  4. This app is different from other apps that I've reviewed, is different on every aspect. Is different in the game and the writer had many different headings.
  5. Its an awesome game to play and to know that is free is even better. Its definitely worth spending time downloading it.
List the different headings used in the review, and next to the heading, state whether the review did a poor, adequate or superior job covering the topic in the heading.
    1. Space : The Only Frontier Left , that heading is basically just the writer talking about how much he likes angry bird and how he found himself playing a whole new game. They did a good job on this heading.
    2. A New Way To Play: The writer did a good job in this heading, because he is include the new creation which is the pigs in space the feels brand-new and similar.

About the images: 
  1. The writer include 11 screenshots and picture which is good because that gives you a little taste of what you're going to face.   
  2. Every heading had screenshot some of then had up to 2 screenshot.
  3. The screenshot illustrated the headings very good. 

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